Previously, some delusional old thinkers who appeared in Tomorrow's World or Blue Peter, showing off some floating hatchback or with-wings-Cortina. They boasted it would become a reality but in fact never existed.
Finally, there is an easy car to be flown, taking ordinary gasoline and actually exists.
Guardian reported, Roadable Aircraft Transition flying car created by an American company Terrafugia, were airborne and able to switch between driving and flying in about 20 seconds.
Well, finally, in 2011, there are measures of other companies. This year the American company called Terrafugia will "produce low-volume" Transition Roadable Aircraft.
This original car, not a delusional, can be bought and actually flying car. The car was a bit like Ghostbuster vehicles with folding wings and will be priced between 125,000 pounds and 160,000 pounds. Carl Dietrich, CEO Terrafugis hopes to sell 200 per year.
"Many people say they never thought the car was actually produced. However, we already have and now can drive and fly, and change between them in 20 seconds," said Dietrich.
Terrafugia (Latin for "escape from land") was founded by Dietrich and a team that includes pilots and aeronatika engineers .
Partly funded by the United States Department of Defense, and they already secretly working on the vehicle in Woburn, Mass., since 2006, and is now almost ready to start selling.
new Transition Owners must have 20 hours of flight before getting permission mechanical flapping wings and take off.
Colonel Phil Meeter, the first person to fly the Transition in the trial in upstate New York in 2009, saying "My daughter can do this! Anyone can do it!" Meeter said.
flying car has a range of less than 500 miles (enough for a flight from London to Zurich, Switzerland) and will run at a speed of 115mph.
American companies that target the American consumer. Terrafugia flying car equipped to accommodate luxury.
The car has a touch-screen controls in the cockpit, and "cargo area of a golf club." With wings tucked-up Transition mode can be filled regular gasoline at the gas station and parked in the garage usual. The car also has a parachute that has a built-in.
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