Synthetic Gasoline Only 1.50 U.S. dollars???

According to Stephen Voller, CEO of Energy Cella, high energy content of synthetic gasoline is very high and is packaged as capsules using nanostruktur technique called “coaxial electrospraying”.

This synthetic gasoline was cheaper compared with the results of mining gasoline, only 1.50 U.S. dollars per gallon!!!.

Synthetic gasoline was discovered by a British company, Cella Energy. The technology was developed from material that is called “complex hydrides”. Synthetic fuel development process has been going on for four years in a highly secret program at the famous laboratory, Rutherd Appleton Laboratory near Oxford, England.

Another plus, can be directly used on current gasoline engine without modification and does not generate carbon emissions. Well, of course you can imagine, the hope of conventional machine manufacturer can live again when threatened by an electric car.

“We have developed micro-fuel pellets that can be used on machines that were using gasoline. Can be used without having to modify the engine, “said Voller.

Because it comes from hydrogen, combustion process produces no carbon emissions. Research to find gasoline is led by Professor Stephen Bennington, in collaboration with scientists from University College London and University of Oxford.

“Our technology comes from the material called” complex hydrides’, namely hydrogen. Packaged like a capsule with a unique process (patented). Therefore, storage and handling easier and safer than the gasoline used today. “clear professor Stephen Bennington who became Head of Research at the Cella Energy.


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