
roehr 1250sc wallpapers

roehr 1250scroehr 1250sc
roehr 1250scroehr 1250sc
roehr 1250scroehr 1250sc
roehr 1250scroehr 1250sc
roehr 1250scroehr 1250sc
roehr 1250scroehr 1250sc

Walter Roehrich is the master mind behind what will probably become the most beloved super sport motorcycle in the United States. Founder of the company and motorcycling passionate, Walter knew that its recipe of building the ultimate must offer that extra performance which can only be obtained through a combination of the best of the best features that such a bike can implement.

These consist in power and style inspired from the two main continents so you will have a proper American V-Twin powering the European-like bike in the way you’ve never even dreamed about. At least this is what we can deduce at a first glance, but be sure that the numbers confirm our sayings.

Powered by a specially designed supercharged 1250cc Harley-Davidson Revolution engine, the Roehr produces an amazing 180 HP and proves knowing how to use them. The powerband is broad and the acceleration linear so the maker proves being able to harness the stud perfectly.

In order to best value that much horsepower you need a stable and agile motorcycle and these features are present due to the modular BiMetal composite beam frame. It helps keeping the bike rigid when needed and thanks to its light weight it allows for quick handling response.

So we should be in for some real track action once this limited edition model will be facing the streets, or better of the track, but until then we can only see against who it is up to.


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